Again, the concurrency is "inherited" from a complementary technology, rather than a fundamental feature of PHP. 此外,并发是“继承”自一项辅助技术,而不是PHP的基本功能。
Multimedia applications, particularly network of multimedia applications, the information age has become a fundamental feature. 多媒体应用,特别是网络上的多媒体应用,已经成为信息时代的一个根本特征。
The fundamental feature of Li Yi s spirit lies in his concentration of the real leftist spirit on his spiritual world and in his eternal critical attitude towards the mainstream ideology and t. 李怡最为根本的精神特征,是在其精神世界中始终贯注着一股真正的左派精神,一种对主流意识形态和权威话语的永远的质疑和批判态度。
The third and most fundamental feature of Old English is its grammar. 古英语第三个也是最基本的特征是它的语法。
Taking the old-age tourist market as an example and based on a complete investigation and analysis of this market, the article has concluded the fundamental feature of this market and put forward its policy into the way of development. 笔者以福州市老年旅游市场为例,在进行充分的市场调查和分析的基础上,得出老年旅游市场所呈现的基本特征,并提出了开发老年旅游市场的策略。
Learning is mortal foundational intellect activity. Learning ability is fundamental feature of mortal intelligence. 学习是人类的基本智能活动,学习能力是人类智能的根本特征。
This paper mainly analyses the fundamental feature of information users of peasants, and on the basis of analyzing result, it proposes some suggestions on the development of market information service to the peasant. 论文主要分析了农户作为信息用户的基本特征,并根据分析结果对发展面向农户的市场信息服务提出一些建议。
The fundamental feature of crime is the harmfulness of offensive behaviors. 行为具有一定的社会危害性是犯罪的基本特征,也是本质特征。
Finally, through criminal law main part, target of error, substance of error, the nature of error four respects were analyses the fundamental feature of error, certainty that in order to strengthen to the error this was attend school without exception. 最后,又从刑法中错误的主体、错误的对象、错误的内容、错误的本质四个方面分析了错误的基本特征,以加强对错误这一概念的把握。
What is the fundamental feature of complexity? 复杂性的基本特征是什么?
The fundamental feature of academic journals lies in their academic features. 学术期刊的根本特色在于它的学术特色。
He considers breakthrough& will as the fundamental feature of superman, which comes from human instinct, and it is a self-creation, self-perfection, but not power. 他认为冲创意志是超人的基本特征,它来自人的本能,是一种自我创造、自我超越的意志,但不是强权。
Senescence is an active progress initiated by internal and environment triggers, and membrane deterioration is an early and fundamental feature of this process. 植物衰老是由内在和外部环境因素所诱导和引起的一种主动过程,其中膜的劣变是这种过程早期的表现形式和基本特征。
Shuo Wen Jie Zi not only reflects the fundamental feature of primitive Chinese character, but also gives enough material about ancient political system, economy and custom. 《说文解字》反映了上古汉语词汇的基本面貌,为我们研究古代社会的政治制度、经济文化、风俗习惯,提供了丰富的资料。
The fundamental feature of this stage is equal conversation between heterogeneity cultures. 这一阶段的根本特征是异质文化之间的平等对话。
However, there is fundamental feature of idea behind these different attitudes. 而在这些不同态度的背后,却有着基本的思想特征。
The complete development, the corresponding development and the stable development are the fundamental feature of the harmonious society of socialism; 全面发展、协调发展、可持续发展、稳定有序发展是社会主义和谐社会的基本特征。
Its most fundamental feature is give ultimate priority to the research methodology of analytical positivism, excluding all subjective elements in legal science, emphasizing that efficiency is the main characteristics of legal norms and that written laws and regulations must be obeyed. 其最基本的特色在于把分析实证的研究方法推向极端,排斥法律科学中的一切主观因素;强调实效是法律规范的基本特征,成文法应得到遵守。
To run the country well by its ruling, the Party must be aware of and well handle some important relations that have the fundamental feature, orientation feature and strategic feature. Such relations include the relation between conflict philosophy and harmonious philosophy; 党要执掌好政权,必须把握和处理好一些带有根本性、方向性和战略性的重要关系:一是斗争哲学与和谐哲学的关系;
But CPCs Class Foundation and Popular Support is the most fundamental, it is the foundation and support of the party successful governing, is the fundamental feature advancing of the Party. 执政基础包含诸多方面的内容,而党的阶级基础和群众基础是其中最具根本性的两方面,是政党成功执政的根基和依托,是政党先进性的根本体现。
After analyzing the fundamental feature and the problem in the information service of agricultural science, the writer posed the countermeasure of perfecting the information service system for agricultural S& T under the environment of economic integration over the world. 分析了农业科研系统信息服务的基本特点和存在问题,提出了在全球科技经济一体化的环境下,农业科研系统进一步完善信息服务体系建设的对策。
The fundamental feature of the solely state-owned company is that there is only one investor, which means the state is the only shareholder. 国有独资公司最基本的特点就在于国有独资公司投资主体的单一性,即国家作为单一的股东。
Obviously, this part-whole relation also shows proximity, which is in turn the fundamental feature of metonymy. 整体和部分之间是一种相邻性,而相邻性正是转喻最基本的特征。
Nevertheless, entertainment is sportsnews 'fundamental feature and symbol, which differentiates it from other types of news. 但是娱乐休闲性是其区别其他题材新闻的基本特征和标志。
Fundamental feature of inference formula is that inference is possible, needed and do not cycle. 推理式的根本特征是:可以推、需要推、不循环。
Modern global communication and construction is one of the most fundamental feature of globalization. 全球化的一个最根本特征就是现代性的全球传播和建构。
It has already been recognized as the fundamental feature of quantum mechanics and utilized as a crucial resource in quantum information science. 它被公认为是量子力学的基本特征,并用作量子信息科学中的关键资源。
The linguistic signs are arbitrary and arbitrariness is a fundamental feature of language. 他把任意性看做语言的基本特征之一。
Its fundamental feature is not reflective but behavioral. "Situational" theory is the philosophy of John Dewey meta thinking. 它的根本特征不是反思的,而是行动的。情境理论是杜威进行元哲学思考的结果。
The risk guarantee function, the basic and core of life insurance, is the most fundamental feature that makes insurance different from other industries. 风险保障功能是保险最基础、最核心的功能,是保险区别于其他行业的最根本的特征。